Course curriculum
Thrive PD© Agreement
Cortical Visual Impairment (CVI)
Thrive PD© Agreement -
CVI Background and Diagnostic Criteria 1 & 2 CVI Diagnostic Criteria 3: 10 Characteristics of CVI 3 Phases of CVI: Phase 1 Visually Guided Reach CVI Task Analysis Phase 1 Video Erin Kane's CVI Journey Video Link CVI Phase 2: Integrating Vision with Function Video CVI Phase 2 & 3 and Questions CVI Phase 3 Phase 3: Resolution of CVI Characteristics Strategies and Materials for Encouraging Efficient Use of Vision CVI Phase 3: Guiding Principles of Interventions CVI Phase 3: Precision CVI Phase 3: Intentionality CVI Phase 3: Reciprocity CVI Phase 3: Expectation of Change CVI Phase 3: Attention to the Total Environment References CVI Quiz -
Course Survey
Individuals who take this course will be able to:
Identify background and diagnostic criteria for CVI
Recognize the phases of CVI and associated interventions
Describe the ten characteristics of CVI
Regular price